My spokesmodel, Big Heath ---------*love you!*

Hi everybody!

So this weekend was King Con Brooklyn,held both days at the Brooklyn Lyceum in Park Slope. I exhibited with my dear friend G.B. Tran, as well as the unflappable Jamie Tanner, responsible for the graphic novel "The Aviary". Also appearing at our table were copies of "Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles", written and illustrated by Neil Swaab, who was unable to attend in person.

This particular con was a bit on the small side, and I would say walkable in approximately 15 minutes. There was a nice mix, however, of different representations of the comics world, as well as some nice panels to attend.( or so I hear, I was at the table the entire time). There were also a few professionals doing signings, and the ever popular portfolio review. (a.k.a. "Hey kid, work on your anatomy.") I can honestly say this was perhaps the LEAST successful comic convention for me, as I didn't sell even ONE measly t-shirt the second day. BUT! I did have fun, and unlike many other cons, this one had BEER. Very nice. And looking on the bright side, it was still a great opportunity to network, and make new friends. I have noticed a happy spike in Etsy sales as a result, and a few new blog sites posting nice little write ups about my stuff! Here's one of them:

Thanks Meredith Woerner!! That's so awesome!!

Now that the busy con weekend is behind me, I can get back to work on the various projects I have underway. There are several paintings in the works, of which I will post some pics as they are completed or perhaps a little before-and-after feature. (those are always fun.) I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that I'll win the lottery and can spend every day working on my own stuff, because as it is, there just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I'm dreaming up...(and other stuff too, like oh, idunno, laundry?) But I know I'm not the only one in that boat. I guess that's what caffine is for. In closing, I will end with an incredibly cheesy sentiment:


Cheers, until next post!

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