Let's talk about Golden brand fluorescent green acrylic paint for a moment. In a word, its CRAP. I used some of this awful product last night, and ended up ruining the entire painting. It's funny how you keep working it, refusing to believe that it is INDEED that crappy. Put on another layer, that'll help! But alas, it did not help...For one thing, it doesn't move nicely. Its not a particularly thick paint, which I knew, but I was thinking I could get a nice transparent layer. As you try to smooth it around, it builds up layers of chunky grossness, which just get thicker and more unmovable as you try to correct it. These areas get drastically darker, and as a result, it loses the beautiful eye burning sensation of fluorescent colors all together. Kinda defeats the purpose. Although I only used it in a small area of the peice, it was the focal point of the entire painting, which is now muddy and chunky and gross. Totally disappointing. I had used the
other fluorescent colors before, and they were okay,(fluorescent pink is a huge let down too.) so I was duped by the green. At first, I thought, maybe I'll just take this thing in a new direction, make it look chunky and distressed on purpose. But I know myself, and everytime I'd look at the finished peice, I'd curse that green paint, and myself for not starting over to achieve what I had originally intended. So that's what I'm going to do. A MASSIVE pain in the butt, but gotta get it right....stupid paint.

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