Greetings Joannarchists!

More great news! The book Burlesque Poster Design, The Art of Tease is OUT!! I was approached about a year ago to submit some of my burlesque artwork for this collected work, and have waited on bated breath for it's arrival...and it's FINALLY HERE! It's published by Korero Books, which have a really great collection of art books, relating to kustom culture, pin-ups, tiki lifestyle, rockabilly and burlesque! They are beautifully produced, and are very inspirational. I am incredibly honored to be a part of this project, and I am excited to the CORE! The book is available on

And if you'd like to see it on the Korero Books website, here is the link:

In other news, the afore mentioned painting I did for the FEED fundraiser for my friends out in San Francisco is becoming a tattoo! Apparently the proud owner liked it so much that he's getting it stamped on his body forever!
Pretty cool...

Here's the painting: (yes, it has a maribou frame)

And here is the line-art for the tattoo:

By the way, if you want a tattoo design, drop me a line...tell me what you're looking for, and I'll totally do it!


1 comment:

  1. Hot -- this book sounds like something that deserves to be wrapped in tinsel and nothing else, sitting under the Christmas tree or menorah this season!
